TATEMS Error Number 52 Error Description: Bad file name or number cause by server being down
If you get this message Error Number: 52 Error Description: Bad file name or number Doc Name: fdlgBackupAndCompact Procedure Name: Form_Load It is typically because you have lost connection to your company server that is hosting the TATEMS back-end ...
Disk Or Network Error
If you get a Disk I/O or network error the following troubleshooting tips may help. Normally that error message means you are losing connectivity to the network or your hard disk when idled. (can also happen during usage in some cases) Turn Off ...
TATEMS Update Fixes Defective Items Checkbox Error - 4.6.22a Released on Oct 1, 2016
The version 4.6.22a update fixes an issue introduced when we increased the speed of TATEMS in version 4.6.21 The issue deals with an error message that would popup when you clicked to mark an inspection as defective. The current update can be found ...
Unable to Print in Windows 10
If you have another printer you can print to then try making the other printer the default printer and see if TATEMS will print to it. You should close and re-open TATEMS each time you change the default printer. To change the default printer in ...
Error when you start TATEMS: The expression on load you entered as the event property setting produces the following error: Error in loading DLL
In very rare instances the following error might occur when you start TATEMS, which you will might see on first start up after an installation on a Windows 64 bit machine looks like this: The expression on load you entered as the event property ...
Windows 8 Installer Issues
This problem may occur if one of the following conditions is true: a) The Windows Installer files that are on your hard disk are damaged or are missing. b) You install or remove a program that uses the Windows Installer Microsoft Software ...
Lube/Service Report Not Working
If you are currently trying to print a: Reports > Current Equipment Reports > Lube/Service Report and are receiving an error or the report is not appearing you will need to add an additional year to your Global Inspection Years. Go to: File > Setup ...
Can't update TATEMS version or can't find current database file
!!Warning!! Always make a backup copy or rename any database file (tatems2005be.mdb) before you overwrite it! The Virtual Store in Windows Vista and in Windows 7 can cause updating issues and database location issues with TATEMS. You should turn ...
Add Parts Button Missing/Hidden
If you are unable to see the bottom of your Parts Inventory screen and your Add New Part button seems to be missing or hidden please see this video: http://www.screencast.com/t/KSwSAQ10B If you need to update TATEMS as the video suggests you can do ...
TATEMS Crashes or Repeated Error Messages
If you keep getting multiple error messages then there are a few possible issues. Make sure you have a good backup, see: https://tatems.com/backup A few things you can try (test if TATEMS is working properly again before moving on to the next step): ...
TATEMS Issues and various troublshooting tips
Try restarting your computer. If that does not work then There are a few possibilities. 1. The front end file TATEMS file is corrupted you will need to apply the current update Close TATEMS and then if you don't have the current update on your ...
Error message: Warning!!! You are not linked to the default data file
The default data file is called tatems2005be.mdb The error message that says " Warning!!! You are not linked to the default data file " means you are not linked to the the proper data file with the name above. The warning is to let you know so ...
Errors After Installing on Windows Vista or Windows 7
*Only TATEMS version 4.2.09 or later is compatible with Windows 7; if you are running an older version of TATEMS you will need to upgrade.* If you try to open TATEMS and get errors after installing TATEMS on a Windows Vista or a Windows 7 Machine ...
Error 1327 Invalid Drve: Drive :\ when installing TATEMS
The following error when installing TATEMS Error 1327 Invalid Drive: Drive :\ (Some Drive Letter Other Than C:\) Occurs when you have a registry entry in Windows pointing to the Drive letter that shows up in the error message. Verify that the ...
Printer Error message
If you get an error message that says something like "There was a problem retrieving printer information for this object. The object may have been sent to a printer that is unavailable" There Microsoft has a solution in their Knowledge Base here: ...
Error 1325. 'Documents' is not a valid short name when installing TATEMS
did a little research on this issue... Installation error: "Error 1325. homefolders is not a valid short file name" Issue: While trying to install TATEMS the process stops, popping up the installation error: "Error 1325. homefolders is not a valid ...
OpeningScreen.jpg file format not supported or file too large - On Load Error
To fix this error message either update TATEMS: http://tatems.com/updates Or you can go into the TATEMS installation directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\TATEMS 2005\ ...and rename the file called "OpeningScreen.jpg" to OpeningScreen-Old.jpg The entire ...
Expression On Load error
This error is usually caused by the front end file or the MS Access 2002 Runtime getting corrupted. If you are the only user or have more than one user but other users are not experiencing the same issue then: Re-apply the update and try again. If ...
Invalid Path message when linking to TATEMS data file
Are you having the same problem on all computers or just one? If it's just a problem connecting from one computer then the permissions may have been changed for the user. The user must have full read-write access to the folder where the TATEMS ...
Using offline folders causes duplicate databases and strange loss of synchronization
Using the "Always Available Offline" feature causes extra unusable database creation. TATEMS uses a Microsoft Access database mdb file which cannot be syncronized like other file formats can.. Here is a simple scenario of what happens: Computer 1 is ...