Misc Questions
Windows 10 Update Failed for Microsoft Access 2002 Or Office XP KB904018 Error 0x80096004
If you see failed update for Windows 10 for Access 2002 (KB 904018 -- see below for more KB numbers other KB numbers that may not update during Windows updates) You can ignore that old update. That old update does not help TATEMS in any way You can ...
Screen Resolution Resizer to Make Screen Bigger
There 2 ways you can make TATEMS bigger on the screen. Can lower the screen resolution of Microsoft Windows to something lower but no lower than 1024 x 768 (you can test different resolutions) Or you can use the auto resizer feature in TATEMS under ...
How to Email Reports - Printouts and Work Orders
TATEMS does NOT have the ability to e-mail a report directly. But there is a way it can be done! You'll need a way to create a PDF document when you print, instead of printing to paper. Here is a video that shows you how to email a Work Order as an ...
Cost Per Mile Program file
The Cost per mile program below is now obsolete because we have included same functionality and more into TATEMS starting with version 4.4.02 This is a a little sneak preview of the report interface to try with your TATEMS data. This is a little ...
TATEMS Moving / transferring the data file between 2 computers not networked
If you need to share the TATEMS data between 2 computers that are not networked you can do the following: The data file is TATEMS2005be.mdb and it is located in the "C:\Program Files\TATEMS 2005\" Folder. or "C:\Program Files (x86)\ TATEMS 2005\" ...
Odometer or Hours Meter Replacement
You can do 1 of 3 things. 1. Create a new piece of Equipment and enter your last lube inspection mileage by adding the difference. So if your last lube was done at 30000 miles and was due at 36000 on a 6000 mile lube/service and the odometer died at ...
Entering a new Piece of Equipment
These steps will explain how to add a new piece of equipment. Each field is addressed individually. Grayed fields are not available for entering information. That field is populated from other sources. See the individual field titles for further ...
Fixing Odometer Entry Mistakes
If you have made a mistake and need to correct an odometer reading: - Select the piece of equipment from the Equipment List. - Select the Equipment Summary Tab - Click "Update Odometer and Hours" button - Click "View All For This Equipment" - Click ...
Archiving Old Data
To archive old TATEMS data and there are a couple of approaches you could take. Both approaches involve this step: Make a copy of your data (tatems2005be.mdb) file and then rename the copy to something like: "TATEMS-Archive-Data-1-6-2010 and ...
How to create reminders for Lube/Service(Preventative Maintenance, PM) and 90 Day Inspections ( alerts, notifications, schedule )
All reminders are based on the last time an item was done and the interval that item is based on. (Miles/km or Hours or Days) For Lube/Services (PM) just choose the Lube/Service type or create a new one in the dropdown list. (If you made a mistake ...
Bulk Odometer And Hours Import Using Excel
This video shows you how to export from the Bulk Odometer and Hours screen into an excel spreadsheet then paste in your odometer readings captured from another source. Then re-import back into TATEMS. This is as of version 4.6.18. Version 4.06.19 ...
Tracking Diesel Exhaust Fluid (DEF) Usage
As of Sep 12, 2017 we do not have a specific way to track DEF usage I'm thinking we would need to create a complete new tab called "DEF Log" that would have most of the same stuff as the fuel log except maybe the states/provinces traveled miles/kms. ...
How TATEMS Backups work and solving a backup failure
When TATEMS does a backup and compact the first thing it does is rename the data file name from: 'tatems2005be.mdb' to a date time stamped file name, like this: 'tatems2005be-3-17-2011-07-25.mdb' The backup file above would have been renamed on Mar ...
Copying Parts List
To copy a parts list from one vehicle to another: 1. Select the vehicle with the parts you want copied. 2. Select all parts you want to copy by clicking on the left square box and highlighting all the parts you want copied. 3. Push ctrl-c to copy the ...
How to use TATEMS Import Template
We can do a one time import of your equipment for you and then send you a pre-populated TATEMS data file. The data file we send back will overwrite any data you have already entered. We can import your equipment into TATEMS for you if you use our ...
New Year for 90 Day or User Defined Day Inspection
UPDATE- The steps below are NOT needed on newer versions of TATEMS. If your version upgrades and support have not expired all you need to do is update TATEMS. If you have already expired you can renew here: https://tatems.com/renew If you get to a ...
Adding Equipment Picture
You don't actually upload a picture into the program. When you use the Equipment Picture button in TATEMS you are creating a link to a picture of that equipment on your computer or on a server. The picture must be in a specific format. It must be in ...