Downgrade or revert to an older previous version of TATEMS
If you have accidentally installed a newer version of TATEMS that you were not eligible for then you can follow these steps to downgrade Before you install the old version it you need to: Uninstall the newer version of TATEMS by going to the Add ...
How to make a stop using a Lube Service Type for just one vehicle
Since you are still using that old Lube Service Type on other you equipment do this. Create a new Lube Service Type with the same name, but slightly different, to indicate it not in use any more. Keep it active but make the intervals all zeros. ...
Start TATEMS Free Trial Over
Warning: Following the steps above will delete any entries you made to TATEMS and force you to start over with a fresh empty database. To start your free trial over again with a fresh empty database you should: 1. Go to add remove programs in the ...
Out Of Memory Please close other progtms error When Trying to Preview A Report
This can be caused by missing or corrupted fonts on your computer. TATEMS needs to have the following fonts working properly on your computer Ariel Ariel Bold Ariel Narrow Tahoma Regular Tahoma Bold Microsoft Sans Serif Go to your fonts folder and ...
Database is in an Unrecognized Format or Inconsistent State
There was a Windows update in May 2018 that started causing Microsoft Access databases that are stored on different computer to become corrupted numerous times a day. See this article here for full details and work arounds. ...
TATEMS Current Version Update
You can get the current version by clicking on this download link Link: