Problems staying linked to data file on network and Microsoft Access

Problems staying linked to data file on network and Microsoft Access

If you are having trouble staying linked to a TATEMS data file over the network then: 

Check to see if you have Microsoft Access on your computer. It would be listed under Microsoft Office. 

If you do and it is Access 2002 or Access 2003 then you will need to access TATEMS 
through that version of Access. 

Open Access and then navigate to and open

C:\Program Files\TATEMS 2005\tatems2005.mde

you might get a security warning, if so click ok or yes to bypass. 

When TATEMS opens you should be linked to the data file on the network. 

You will have to use that version of Access to open TATEMS from this point 

You can avoid seeing the security warning every time you open Access by 
creating a new blank database, then clicking on Tools->Macros->Security. Then change the setting to 
low and then restart Access and open TATEMS again.
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