We can do a one time import of your equipment for you and then send you a pre-populated TATEMS data file.
The data file we send back will overwrite any data you have already entered.
We can import your equipment into TATEMS for you if you use our template here:
Just paste your data in the the fields you have data for.
For the column that says Category Type(1 of 3 types(Truck-Trailer-Other)(Required)
This is for the Equipment Types dropdown list in TATEMS and you no longer have to limit your entries to those 3 types
In the TATEMS database we already include the following equipment types:
Heavy Equipment
So you can match your equipment with those or use your own but you should try to keep the categories as broad as possible.
the Truck and Trailer equipment types the TATEMS will come with
pre-populated inspection items lists.
You will be able to use those inspection items lists to copy to other equipment types and use as
a starting point if needed.
The other columns with specific choices need to use only those choices.
The only required fields are:
Equip Num(Required)
Category Type(1 of 3 types(Truck-Trailer-Other)(Required)
would recommend using at least 3 or 4 digits on your equipment numbers
if you have numbers starting with single or double digits.
For example I would make
1 into 001 or 0001
11 into 011 or 0011
Also make sure there are no commas , or quotes, single or double ' " in your data.
you have everything pasted into the spreadsheet you can send it back.
Then I can use it to populate an empty TATEMS database file with all
your equipment and send it back to you.
And if you pave a parts list you want imported here is the parts Import template:
the parts template the only requirement is the Part Number and make
sure there are no commas , or quotes, single or double ' " in your data.
you have everything pasted into the spreadsheet templates you can send
them back. Then I can use them to populate an empty TATEMS database file
with all your equipment and parts and send them back to you.