Error when you start TATEMS: The expression on load you entered as the event property setting produces the following error: Error in loading DLL

Error when you start TATEMS: The expression on load you entered as the event property setting produces the following error: Error in loading DLL

In very rare instances the following error might occur when you start TATEMS, which you will might see on first start up after an installation on a Windows 64 bit machine looks like this:

The expression on load you entered as the event property setting produces the following error:Error in loading DLL...

The fix for this is the following:

Do a search on your computer for the dao360.dll file.

Then copy and paste that file into the  "SysWOW64" folder that is inside the

Windows folder and then restart TATEMS.

This issue had been fixed in current installer 4.6.22 and later of TATEMS


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